Not only this, in my case, my PC throws up the error dialog "Winlogon.exe - No disk on drive D:\ "
So as to shut down my PC, I had to press continue three-four times.
But not now, I have found a way to fix this bug. this problem occurs due to a feature enabled in the OS by default. The feature is "Fast Startup" which is enabled by default. basically the use of this feature is to make your PC boot faster , but whats the use if it throws up errors and waste battery. If you disable this feature, you will automatically fix both above errors. Also it wont affect your boot Speed so I recommend you to disable this feaure, even if no problems are found.
To Disable this feature, Goto Start page and search for "Power Button Settings" and then Click on "Change what the power buttons do"
Now click on "Change settings that are currently available"
Now click on save and bug fixed :-)